1·Mr Cameron hankers to transform the Leviathan of the modern British state into machinery that is more disposed to distribute power than hoard it.
2·Planar Energy expects to reduce capital costs by half compared with solid-state battery manufacturing using high-vacuum machinery.
3·One possible next development step might involve refactoring the FadingTooltip code to move the basic machinery of the finite state machine into a separate object.
4·Shanghai QiKun Electronic Technology co., Ltd is a high-tech machinery industry equipment company, is registered by the relevant state departments of enterprises.
5·No agricultural machinery products that do not meet the mandatory state requirements for technical specifications may be produced or sold.
6·Used with fractal theory, the running state of the system can be analyzed not qualitatively but also quantitatively, and then the faults of complex machinery system can be diagnosed.
7·It is a multi factor and multi object decision process to evaluating the technology state of the construction machinery.
8·Used with fractal theory, the running state of the system can be analyzed not qualitatively but also quantitatively, and then the faults lf complex machinery system can be diagnosed.
9·But State grid is also ge's biggest potential rival. State grid wants to develop smart-grid know-how and machinery on its own.
10·The fuzzy dynamic process in the machinery system was described by using fuzzy state, fuzzy state transfer, and fuzzy events.